SORA Table (UFO)
SORA Table adopts an unprecedented design, making a premier breakthrough from the classic aquariums. Its sleek lines and smooth curves give prominence to the viewing tank within. With its high filtration capacity, you can create stunning and amazing aquascaping. This stylish Bird’s Eye Aquarium brings a glittering starry night to life.
Crystal Clear Top View
Bird’s Eye Aquarium is an aquarium table
developed, designed and manufactured in Japan,
with a crystal clear view from above
thanks to the close contact between the water surface and the glass top plate.
This design has patents granted from different countries around the world.
Excellent Filtration Capacity
With the entire dead space under the table
completely turned into a filter space with high capacity ratio,
and water treatment close to natural purification,
a healthy environment is maintained for the water creatures
and a stress-free aquarium for fish keepers.
Upon setting up the aquarium,
the water quality should probably become stable in about a month, subject to the aquarium contents.
Even if you are keeping marine fish
and there is no large-scale equipment installed,
water can simply be changed once every three to six months, as carefree as a pet can be.
* Topping off the aquarium is required.
* Feeding on a daily basis is necessary, and automatic feeders can also serve the purpose.
Aquarium accessories like pumps and LEDs
and their wiring are all housed inside the table.
Thanks to the table frame,
the exterior can be kept neat and tidy.
Tables are often go unnoticed
even when they are in the centre of a room,
but they are now transformed into spectacular home decor
to stand out in the space.
It brings you and your family immersive experiences in a fascinating aqua world.
With this unqiue auqarium, we can enjoy the same view of a bird flying in the sky.
It is therefore named as Bird’s Eye Aquarium.
① Top Glass Plate
② Viewing Tank
The transparent acrylic tank ensures its strength, transparency, temperature maintenance and lightness for fishkeeping. Classic aquascaping is great, but feel free to try the amazing aquascaping that can be viewed from the top.
* Fish tank ornaments.are not included.
③ Light Gutter
⑦ Cushion Mat
Laid under the body. An important part that averages out the water pressure, especially when the tank is full.
* It is not included but is in the add-on purchase selection.
⑧ Table Frame

④ Electrical Compartment
The storage space inside the main body is for housing electrical devices like adaptors, plugs and power extension sockets. As it is located within the table frame, cables will be concealed completely except the cable of the power extension socket, making the room with aquarium setup neat and tidy.
* Power extension sockets and accessories are not included.
⑤ Filter Space
The tank in the form of an outer ring of the table is specially designed for filtration. It is composed of several compartments to accommodate different filter media (F1, F2 and F3) and a water pump (P). Its high filter-to-tank volume ratio provides excellent filtration performance. No matter freshwater fish, marine fish that are sensitive to environmental changes and coral that require good water quality to grow, all can be kept easily in a natural way. What’s more, the filter media can become invisible from the outside thanks to the painted exterior surface, creating an iconic piece of simple and elegant home decor.
* Filtering media are not included.
⑥ Piping System
(A) Adaptor with Plug
(B) Extension Cable
The cable, which helps extend the connection between an adaptor and a mini controller, is required when the power source is beyond its usual reach.
* It is not included but is in the add-on purchase selection.
(C) Mini Controller
It is used for controlling the colour, flash mode, smoothness and brightness of colour-changing LED strips, with an on-off switch and a memory function.
(D) Colour-Changing LED Strip

Conceptual Diagram of the Lighting System

Conceptual Diagram of the Filtration System
Home Aquarium
Home Aquarium is a product series made for customers
who want to setup mini aquariums and keep fish in their shops or homes in a simple way.
We provide aquarium supplies and fish that are essential for you
to set up a mini aquarium of excellent filtration capacity in no time, and ease your daily maintenance work,
creating a perfect healing space of the fantastic aqua world in your space.
UFO 95
Starry White

UFO 95
W95cm x D95cm x H45cm
W110cm x D110cm x H70cm
UFO 95
Starry Gold

UFO 95
W95cm x D95cm x H45cm
W110cm x D110cm x H70cm
UFO 95
Starry Silver

UFO 95
W95cm x D95cm x H45cm
W110cm x D110cm x H70cm
Frequently Asked Question about Bird's Eye Aquarium
Table aquarium is not something new. How do you differentiate your product with others?
Table aquariums made by other companies cannot be seen clearly from above. The existence of air layer allows water to splash while fish may pop out too. Besides, the filtration capacity is not sufficient and the maintainability is not good. On the other hand, Bird's Eye Aquarium is patented for the method of obtaining a crystal clear top view. We have put a lot of effort in development and design, pursuing a product of functionality and beauty, while keeping the structure simple.
Bird’s Eye Aquarium appears to be sealed. Will fish be deficient in oxygen?
The viewing tank that can be seen clearly from the top appears to be sealed, but when water flows to the filter space, it will come into contact with the air, so oxygen is sufficiently supplied.
Fish get stressed easily. Is their health condition okay?
If you hit the aquarium hard, fish may be scared, but they do not particularly get frightened when you are just using the table normally. Rather, they will get used to your existence in a close distance, and started to look up and observe you.
Where should I install Bird's Eye Aquarium?
As Bird’s Eye Aquarium is to be used as a table, so why not putting it in the center of the room? Besides, similar to an ordinary fish tank, do not expose it to direct sunlight, cool air from the air conditioner or hot air from the heater. Also, do not place it next to electrical appliances that are sensitive to water such as television or computer. To obtain a crystal clear top view, you need a flat floor. If it is difficult to adjust the level of the floor, insert spacer to adjust the level of the aquarium. If renovation will occur, it is better to add a power socket at the place where you will install Bird's Eye Aquarium, but if you have already moved in and it is difficult to do the renovation, we recommend you to extend the cable to the underneath of the sofa next to it while using a cable mall to cover the exposed part of the cable.
It is emphasized that the filtration capacity is high. Does it mean that maintenance is not needed?
Bird’s Eye Aquarium makes the best use of the dead space under the table to increase the filtration capacity to a level that is much better than an ordinary aquarium. However, in order to keep fish, basic maintenance is indispensable. If you do not want to spend time in it, you could simply use our aquarium maintenance service if you are located in East Yamanashi, or the service of our nominated aquarium maintenance partners in other parts of Japan and all over the world.
What filter media should I use?
Coral sand is good for marine fish and African Chichlids. Kouroka Lava sand, river sand and soil are good for freshwater fish.
Where should I put the filter media?
Laying Kouroka Lava sand, river sand, soil, coral sand or other bottom sand on the bottom surface of the viewing tank are highly recommended because they serve as a filter. The filter space of Bird's Eye Aquarium is divided into several compartments. Aquarium water in the viewing tank flows to the filter space via the piping system, so in the first compartment, wool mat should be added to filter the leftover food and fish poop. This also reduces the sound made by the overflowing water. In the middle compartments, filter media like lava gravel / sand or coral gravel / sand should be placed to perform high-level water purification. Please add activated carbon if necessary. It is highly recommended to put these filter media into a mesh bag before putting them into the filter space because it will cause less troubles when you have to take them out. However, packing the filtration media tight will slow down the water circulation. Filter media should be put slightly above the water surface to ensure the actual occurrence of the purification process.
Please tell me how to maintain the tank regularly.
It takes time to let beneficial bacteria to reproduce themselves, so you have to spend a period of time to circulate the water before putting fish in. After you have done so, you may also want to add fish, shrimp and shellfish that will do the cleaning work of removing algae and uneaten fish food, or eating parasites on the fish body of to ease your maintenance work. Besides, please note that adding fish too rapidly or making the tank overcrowded will cause algae to grow easily, causing a sharp deterioration of the water quality. Daily fish keeping processes like feeding and adding water are the same as that of an ordinary tank.
Please tell me how to feed fish.
There are two ways. You can either lift the top glass plate and feed directly into the viewing tank or open the lid of the filter space and feed in a way that the water pump will suck and send the fish food to the viewing tank. If you choose to use the method of feeding directly to the viewing tank, depending on the fish species, fish may pop out, so you should stop the water pump before lifting up the top glass plate. Also, if you drop the fish food near the overflow pipe, it may fall into the filter space together with the backflowing water, so you should immerse it into the water before releasing it from your hand or dropping it to a place further away. If you use the method of feeding in the filter space, open the lid of the compartment where the water pump is located and put the fish food in a way that it can be sucked and sent to the viewing tank via the piping system. As had in an ordinary overflow aquarium, fish food will be spread inside the tank while fish could be fed evenly, so it is a good method. Besides, if auto feeder is added as an option, we will supply you with another lid such that when an auto feeder is attached on it, fish food can be dropped onto the water automatically. Feeding becomes more convenient. However, if the fish food is not sucked by the water pump, it will remain in the filter space and become spoiled, so please make sure that fish food is not left in the filter space during maintenance.
Please tell me how to refill water.
There are two ways. You can either lift the top glass plate and refill directly into the viewing tank or open the lid of the filter space and add into it. If you choose to use the method of refilling directly into the viewing tank, it is better to put a sheet on top of the layout to prevent it from collapsing. Depending on the fish species, fish may pop out, so you should stop the water pump before lifting up the top glass plate. If you use the method of refilling into the filter space, please make sure that the water level does not go over the water level label, which is around 4cm below the ceiling of the filter space. If you add too much water, once the water pump stops, the aquarium water in the viewing tank will flow back to the filter space below, leading to the possibility of overflow and making the floor wet. Tap water is good enough. If you feel uncomfortable with chlorine, you can keep the tap water into a container one night before, while using an air pump to trigger chlorine volatilization. In the case of marine aquarium, only water is evaporated while the amount of salt does not change, so please add only water in it. However, it is always a good practice to measure the salinity before and after.
Is it okay if I do not refill water?
It is better to add tap water regularly to replenish the nutrients for fish. Besides, water in the filter space is getting less gradually due to evaporation and this decreases the filtration capacity. If you add too much water at once, the water quality will change drastically, especially in the case of marine water. Having the water pump or heater exposed to the air may cause fire. Therefore, please refill water up to 4cm at most once every two weeks.
Is it okay if I do not close the lid of the filter space?
Closing the filter space will reduce the water evaporation rate greatly, so please remember to put the lids on the filter space.
What should I do when my fish died?
Lift the top glass plate and scoop the dead fish with a net. At the time, depending on the fish species, live fish may pop out, so you should stop the water pump before lifting up the top glass plate.
I'm considering introducing Bird's Eye Aquarium to my restaurant, but is it fragile?
In general, people could judge instantly whether a thing is fragile or not, so in most cases, even customers who use Bird's Eye Aquarium for the first time will not handle it roughly. The sheet attached around the top glass plate keeps it safe because it prevents the glass from scattering in case of damage.
I cannot see clearly from above. Is there any problem?
If the electrical wires are firmly connected, here are the possibilities:
- The top glass plate is not in the right position. Please check.
- The output of the water pump may be at the "weak" position. Please adjust the lever and see if the condition is improved. Maybe there are some problems with the water pump like it is getting weaker due to deterioration or sand is being caught inside. In this case, please follow the instruction manual of the water pump for troubleshooting.
- The pipes may be disconnected. Please check and connect them firmly.
- The floor may not be level. A slight tolerance of horizontal level is allowed, but whenever necessary, use spacers to make fine adjustment.

Spring Inc.
We are an innovator of aquarium, manufacturing acrylic tanks
including the world-patented Bird’s Eye Aquarium
in our own factory in Yamanashi, JAPAN.