Our Philosophy
Having faith in bird’s eye view as the next biggest trend of aquariums,
we are devoted to delivering amazing fish tanks and the charm of aquarium fish
to the world with passion, bliss, love and grace.
We strive for excellence in innovation and expertise with diligence
to bring peace, comfort and nature to our daily lives,
creating growth-fostering relationships with staff, investors, business partners and clients.

- Passion
- Bliss
- Love
- Grace
- Charm
- Innovation
- Expertise
- Diligence
- Peace
- Comfort
- Nature
- Growth
Our Milestones
Our Factory

Panel Saw
to fit customers’ needs.
Laser Processing Machine
for our products especially Bird’s Eye Aquariums.

Small Workbench
to make 24 or more small aquariums at the same time.
Large Workbench
to produce huge aquariums of up to 5 metres long with an acrylic sheet.

to move large cargos on the premises.
Container Transportation
(On-site confirmation is required for other sizes.)

Our Company
社名 | 株式会社スプリング (英語表記:SPRING Inc.) |
住所 | 山梨県大月市賑岡町畑倉421 (敷地面積:7173.0㎡、自社所有) |
代表者 | 代表取締役社長 宮咲 礼一 |
設立 | 平成20年8月27日 |
事業内容 | バーズアイ水槽の開発、特許登録・維持、設計、製造、販売及び輸出 アクリル・FRP水槽・水景・その他製品の設計、製造、販売及び輸出 アクリル加工全般、3Dプリンター加工全般、端材を利用した商品の開発、製造及び販売 水槽・水景メンテナンス、設置及び修理 アクアリウム関連イベント開催 観賞魚用器具、濾材、装飾、飼料の開発、販売及び輸出 生体研究・繁殖・飼育及び販売、販売及び輸出 その他輸出入業務 |
商標 | 「バーズアイ水槽」・「Bird's Eye水槽」 「グランクリエイト」・「Grand Create」 |
特許 | 日本 「観賞魚を上面から鮮明に見ることを目的とした水槽」 中国 「观赏鱼的鱼缸」 アメリカ "Fish tank for allowing aquarium fish to be viewed clearly from the top" ヨーロッパ "Fish tank for allowing fish to be viewed clearly from the top surface" ‣ドイツ "AQUARIUM ZUM DEUTLICHEN BETRACHTEN VON AQUARIENFISCHEN VON OBEN" ‣フランス "AQUARIUM POUR PERMETTRE À DES POISSONS D'ÊTRE VUS CLAIREMENT À PARTIR DE LA SURFACE SUPERIEURE" ‣スペイン "Acuario que permite ver claramente los peces desde la superficie superior" ‣イタリア "VASCA PER PESCI PER PERMETTERE DI VEDERE CHIARAMENTE I PESCI DALLA SUPERFICIE SUPERIORE DELLA VASCA STESSA" ‣ポルトガル "TANQUE DE PEIXES PARA PERMITIR QUE OS PEIXES SEJAM VISTOS NITIDAMENTE A PARTIR DA SUPERFÍCIE SUPERIOR" ‣スイス "FISCHBECKEN ZUR KLAREN FISCHBETRACHTUNG VON DER OBERFLÄCHE" ‣マルタ "Fish tank for allowing aquarium fish to be viewed clearly from the top" ‣オーストリア "Fish tank for allowing aquarium fish to be viewed clearly from the top" ‣チェコ "Rybí nádrž umožnující jasné sledování ryb seshora" ‣オランダ "Aquarium voor het duidelijk bezichtigen van aquariumvissen vanaf de bovenzijde omvattende" ‣ベルギー "AQUARIUM POUR PERMETTRE À DES POISSONS D'ÊTRE VUS CLAIREMENT À PARTIR DE LA SURFACE SUPERIEURE" ‣ルクセンブルク "AQUARIUM POUR PERMETTRE À DES POISSONS D'ÊTRE VUS CLAIREMENT À PARTIR DE LA SURFACE SUPÉRIEURE" ‣アイルランド "Fish tank for allowing aquarium fish to be viewed clearly from the top" ‣アイスランド "Fiskatankur, þar sem hægt er að skoða fisk greinilega frá yfirborðinu" ‣ノルウェー "FISH TANK FOR ALLOWING FISH TO BE VIEWED CLEARLY FROM THE TOP SURFACE" ‣スウェーデン "Fiskbehållare för att möjligöra tydlig fiskbeskådning från den övre ytan" ‣フィンランド "Kalatankki kalojen selvästi näkemisen mahdollistamiseksi yläpinnalta" ‣デンマーク "Akvarium til tydelig betragtning af akvariefisk ovenfra" ‣ポーランド "Fish tank for allowing aquarium fish to be viewed clearly from the top" ‣ハンガリー "Fish tank for allowing fish to be viewed clearly from the top surface" ‣ルーマニア "ACVARIU CARE PERMITE VIZUALIZAREA PEȘTILOR, ÎN MOD CLAR, DE LA SUPRAFAȚA SUPERIOARĂ" ‣ブルガリア "Fish tank for allowing aquarium fish to be viewed clearly from the top" ‣スロバキア "Akvárium umožňujúce zreteľné pozorovanie rýb zhora" ‣クロアチア "AKVARIJ KOJI OMOGUĆUJE DA SE RIBA JASNO VIDI S VRHA POVRŠINE" ‣スロベニア "Akvarij, ki omogoča jasno opazovanje rib z vrha" ‣ギリシャ "ΔEΞAMENH ΨAPIΩN ΠOY EΠΙTPEΠEI THN ΞEKAΘAPH ΠAPATHPHΣH TΩN ΨAPIΩN AΠO THN ANΩ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΕΙΑ" ‣トルコ "Balıkların üst yüzeyden açıkça görüntülenmesine imkan verilmesi için balık tankı" ‣イギリス "Fish tank for allowing fish to be viewed clearly from the top surface" カナダ "Fish tank for allowing fish to be viewed clearly from the top surface" オーストラリア "Fish tank for allowing fish to be viewed clearly from the top surface" ロシア "усовершенствованный аквариум, приспособленный для верхнего наблюдения за аквариумными рыбками" 韓国 「관상어를 상면에서 선명하게 보이는 것을 목적으로 한 수조」 南アフリカ "Fish tank for allowing aquarium fish to be viewed clearly from the top" メキシコ "Fish tank for allowing aquarium fish to be viewed clearly from the top" 香港 「可從上表面清晰觀賞魚類的魚缸」 |
知的財産権アドバイザー | 築城俊雄 知的財産権の有効活用を企業に提唱し、侵害裁判についても精通している 自身もナビゲーションシステム、免震工法などの多数の特許を発案している 特許・商標・実用新案・著作権のアドバイザー |
海外事業代理 | 香港法人 AQ Spring Co Ltd |
aquarium innovators
mainly in their 30s.
In-house Production
to custom products
in our owned property in Japan.
Multilingual Support
multilingual support services
to clients from all over the world.
Global Delivery
Delivering our high quality products
worldwide utilising
IoT technology.
Let's make new business floiurish and create changes to the world.
Spring Inc.
"I wanted to keep fish, but I was wondering where to put the aquarium.
So I made one in a form of a table and placed it in the middle of my room.
This business was born from such an idea."
We have gone through a lot of trial and error in developing this Bird's Eye Aquarium,
and finally we managed to obtain patent only only in Japan,
but various countries in the world including China, the U.S. and Europe.
However, our development didn't end there.
We are not satisfied and are evolving it further.
Bird's Eye Aquarium is a business that no one has done before.
If you have any opinions and requests, please do not hesitate to contact us.
421 Hatagura, Nigioka, Otsuki-shi, Yamanashi, JAPAN 401-0001
Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00 (excl. public holidays)
Spring Inc.
421 Hatagura, Nigioka, Otsuki-shi, Yamanashi, JAPAN 401-0001 TEL: +81-554-56-7855

Spring Inc.
We are an innovator of aquarium, manufacturing acrylic tanks
including the world-patented Bird’s Eye Aquarium
in our own factory in Yamanashi, JAPAN.